DSA-4048-1 openjdk-7 -- security update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-10274   CVE-2017-10281   CVE-2017-10285   CVE-2017-10295   CVE-2017-10345   CVE-2017-10346   CVE-2017-10347   CVE-2017-10348   CVE-2017-10349   CVE-2017-10350   CVE-2017-10355   CVE-2017-10356   CVE-2017-10357   CVE-2017-10388  

Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenJDK, an implementation of the Oracle Java platform, resulting in impersonation of Kerberos services, denial of service, sandbox bypass or HTTP header injection. For the oldstable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in version 7u151-2.6.11-2~deb8u1. We recommend that you upgrade your openjdk-7 packages. For the detailed security status of openjdk-7 please refer to its security tracker page at: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/openjdk-7

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-4048-1 openjdk-7 -- security update

Date Reported:
23 Nov 2017
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2017-10274, CVE-2017-10281, CVE-2017-10285, CVE-2017-10295, CVE-2017-10345, CVE-2017-10346, CVE-2017-10347, CVE-2017-10348, CVE-2017-10349, CVE-2017-10350, CVE-2017-10355, CVE-2017-10356, CVE-2017-10357, CVE-2017-10388.
More information:

Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenJDK, an implementation of the Oracle Java platform, resulting in impersonation of Kerberos services, denial of service, sandbox bypass or HTTP header injection.

For the oldstable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in version 7u151-2.6.11-2~deb8u1.

We recommend that you upgrade your openjdk-7 packages.

For the detailed security status of openjdk-7 please refer to its security tracker page at: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/openjdk-7