
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2019-10130  

Selectivity estimators bypass row security policies

PostgreSQL maintains statistics for tables by sampling data available in columns; this data is consulted during the query planning process. Prior to this release, a user able to execute SQL queries with permissions to read a given column could craft a leaky operator that could read whatever data had been sampled from that column. If this happened to include values from rows that the user is forbidden to see by a row security policy, the user could effectively bypass the policy. This is fixed by only allowing a non-leakproof operator to use this data if there are no relevant row security policies for the table.


Selectivity estimators bypass row security policies

PostgreSQL maintains statistics for tables by sampling data available in columns; this data is consulted during the query planning process. Prior to this release, a user able to execute SQL queries with permissions to read a given column could craft a leaky operator that could read whatever data had been sampled from that column. If this happened to include values from rows that the user is forbidden to see by a row security policy, the user could effectively bypass the policy. This is fixed by only allowing a non-leakproof operator to use this data if there are no relevant row security policies for the table.

The PostgreSQL project thanks Dean Rasheed for reporting this problem.

Version Information

Affected Version Fixed In Fix Published
11 11.3 2019-05-09
10 10.8 2019-05-09
9.6 9.6.13 2019-05-09
9.5 9.5.17 2019-05-09

For more information about PostgreSQL versioning, please visit the versioning page.

CVSS 3.0

Overall Score 3.1
Component core server
Vector AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N

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