
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-31030  

A bug was found in containerd's CRI implementation where programs inside a container can cause the containerd daemon to consume memory without bound during invocation of the ExecSync API. This can cause containerd to consume all available memory on the computer, denying service to other legitimate workloads. Kubernetes and crictl can both be configured to use containerd's CRI implementation; ExecSync may be used when running probes or when executing processes via an exec facility. (CVE-2022-31030)


Amazon Linux AMI Security Advisory: ALAS-2022-1600
Advisory Release Date: 2022-06-06 19:52 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2022-06-09 19:01 Pacific
Severity: Medium
References: CVE-2022-31030 

Issue Overview:

A bug was found in containerd's CRI implementation where programs inside a container can cause the containerd daemon to consume memory without bound during invocation of the ExecSync API. This can cause containerd to consume all available memory on the computer, denying service to other legitimate workloads. Kubernetes and crictl can both be configured to use containerd's CRI implementation; ExecSync may be used when running probes or when executing processes via an exec facility. (CVE-2022-31030)

Affected Packages:


Issue Correction:
Run yum update containerd to update your system.

New Packages:
