
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-38750   CVE-2022-38751  

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow. (CVE-2022-38750) Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow. (CVE-2022-38751)


Amazon Linux 2 Security Advisory: ALAS-2024-2403
Advisory Release Date: 2024-01-03 21:04 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2024-01-09 17:51 Pacific
Severity: Medium

Issue Overview:

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow. (CVE-2022-38750)

Using snakeYAML to parse untrusted YAML files may be vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks (DOS). If the parser is running on user supplied input, an attacker may supply content that causes the parser to crash by stackoverflow. (CVE-2022-38751)

Affected Packages:



This advisory is applicable to Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) Core repository. Visit this FAQ section for the difference between AL2 Core and AL2 Extras advisories.

Issue Correction:
"Run yum update snakeyaml to update your system.

New Packages:
