
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-21618   CVE-2022-21619   CVE-2022-21624   CVE-2022-21626   CVE-2022-21628   CVE-2022-39399  

Title: Wider MultiByte conversions Buffer overflow is possible due to incorrect byte count (should be character count). (CVE-2022-21618) Title: Improve NTLM support writeSecurityBuffer() writes a serialized security buffer to be used for NTLM auth. One of the fields that are serialized is a hostname provided by the name resolver. If this hostname is very long, integer truncation occurs, which would allow a malicious hostname to be partially re-interpreted as something else following a hostname, once the security buffer is deserialized on the other size. (CVE-2022-21619) Title: Improve JNDI lookups JNDI DNS port numbers can be easily guessed and should be more random. (CVE-2022-21624) Title: Key X509 usages Decoding of X509 keys may use excessive amount of heap memory. (CVE-2022-21626) Title: Better HttpServer service HttpServer eagerly accepts connections which may exceed the limit. (CVE-2022-21628) Title: Improve HTTP/1.1 client usage The HTTP/2 connection cache caches connection based on the IP address but not the SNI which can allow spoofing for servers on the same IP. (CVE-2022-39399)


Amazon Linux 2 Security Advisory: ALAS-2022-1866
Advisory Release Date: 2022-10-17 21:46 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2022-10-19 23:26 Pacific
Severity: Medium

Issue Overview:

Title: Wider MultiByte conversions
Buffer overflow is possible due to incorrect byte count (should be character
count). (CVE-2022-21618)

Title: Improve NTLM support
writeSecurityBuffer() writes a serialized security buffer to be used for NTLM
auth. One of the fields that are serialized is a hostname provided by the
name resolver. If this hostname is very long, integer truncation occurs,
which would allow a malicious hostname to be partially re-interpreted as
something else following a hostname, once the security buffer is deserialized
on the other size. (CVE-2022-21619)

Title: Improve JNDI lookups
JNDI DNS port numbers can be easily guessed and should be more random. (CVE-2022-21624)

Title: Key X509 usages
Decoding of X509 keys may use excessive amount of heap memory. (CVE-2022-21626)

Title: Better HttpServer service
HttpServer eagerly accepts connections which may exceed the limit. (CVE-2022-21628)

Title: Improve HTTP/1.1 client usage
The HTTP/2 connection cache caches connection based on the IP address but not
the SNI which can allow spoofing for servers on the same IP. (CVE-2022-39399)

Affected Packages:


Issue Correction:
Run yum update java-17-amazon-corretto to update your system.

New Packages:

