
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-1000370  

The offset2lib patch as used in the Linux Kernel contains a vulnerability that allows a PIE binary to be execve()'ed with 1GB of arguments or environmental strings then the stack occupies the address 0x80000000 and the PIE binary is mapped above 0x40000000 nullifying the protection of the offset2lib patch. This affects Linux Kernel version 4.11.5 and earlier. This is a different issue than CVE-2017-1000371. This issue appears to be limited to i386 based systems.

The MITRE CVE dictionary describes this issue as:

The offset2lib patch as used in the Linux Kernel contains a vulnerability that allows a PIE binary to be execve()'ed with 1GB of arguments or environmental strings then the stack occupies the address 0x80000000 and the PIE binary is mapped above 0x40000000 nullifying the protection of the offset2lib patch. This affects Linux Kernel version 4.11.5 and earlier. This is a different issue than CVE-2017-1000371. This issue appears to be limited to i386 based systems.

Find out more about CVE-2017-1000370 from the MITRE CVE dictionary dictionary and NIST NVD.


This issue does not affect the Linux kernel packages as shipped with Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7 and MRG-2 as the i686 architecture is not supported by
this kernel.

This issue affects the Linux kernel packages as shipped with Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5 and 6. At this time there is no plan to release an
update to fix this issue.

CVSS v3 metrics

NOTE: The following CVSS v3 metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

CVSS3 Base Score 2.9
CVSS3 Base Metrics CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N
Attack Vector Local
Attack Complexity High
Privileges Required None
User Interaction None
Scope Unchanged
Confidentiality None
Integrity Impact Low
Availability Impact None

Affected Packages State

Platform Package State
Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2 realtime-kernel Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 kernel Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 kernel-rt Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 kernel-alt Not affected
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 kernel Will not fix
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 kernel Will not fix


Red Hat would like to thank Qualys Inc for reporting this issue.

External References