Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-17712  

A flaw was found in the Linux kernel's implementation of raw_sendmsg before 4.14.11, 4.4.109 and 4.9.74 allowing a local attacker to panic the kernel or possibly leak kernel addresses. A local attacker, with the privilege of creating raw sockets, can abuse a possible race condition when setting the socket option to allow the kernel to automatically create ip header values and thus potentially escalate their privileges.

Severity High

Remote No

Type Privilege escalation


A flaw was found in the Linux kernel's implementation of raw_sendmsg before 4.14.11, 4.4.109 and 4.9.74 allowing a local attacker to panic the kernel or possibly leak kernel addresses. A local attacker, with the privilege of creating raw sockets, can abuse a possible race condition when setting the socket option to allow the kernel to automatically create ip header values and thus potentially escalate their privileges.

AVG-574 linux-hardened 4.14.7.a-1 4.14.11.a-1 High Fixed FS#56832

AVG-571 linux-zen 4.14.7-1 4.14.11-1 High Fixed FS#56832

AVG-561 linux-lts 4.9.68-1 4.9.74-1 High Fixed

AVG-552 linux 4.14.7-1 4.14.11-1 High Fixed FS#56832

05 Jan 2018 ASA-201801-4 AVG-574 linux-hardened High multiple issues

05 Jan 2018 ASA-201801-3 AVG-571 linux-zen High multiple issues

05 Jan 2018 ASA-201801-2 AVG-561 linux-lts High multiple issues

05 Jan 2018 ASA-201801-1 AVG-552 linux High multiple issues