Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2017-3526  

It was found that the JAXP component of OpenJDK failed to correctly enforce parse tree size limits when parsing XML document. An attacker able to make a Java application parse a specially crafted XML document could use this flaw to make it consume an excessive amount of CPU and memory.

Severity High

Remote Yes

Type Denial of service


It was found that the JAXP component of OpenJDK failed to correctly enforce parse tree size limits when parsing XML document. An attacker able to make a Java application parse a specially crafted XML document could use this flaw to make it consume an excessive amount of CPU and memory.

AVG-380 jdk7-openjdk 7.u131_2.6.9-1 7.u151_2.6.11-1 Critical Fixed

12 Aug 2017 ASA-201708-8 AVG-380 jdk7-openjdk Critical multiple issues