Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-28200  

A security issue has been found in Pigeonhole before version 0.5.15. The Sieve interpreter is not protected against abusive scripts that claim excessive resource usage, especially scripts using massive amounts of regexps. This means an attacker can cause a denial of service of the mail delivery system by using excessive amount of CPU and/or reaching the lmtp/lda process limits.

Severity Medium

Remote Yes

Type Denial of service


A security issue has been found in Pigeonhole before version 0.5.15. The Sieve interpreter is not protected against abusive scripts that claim excessive resource usage, especially scripts using massive amounts of regexps. This means an attacker can cause a denial of service of the mail delivery system by using excessive amount of CPU and/or reaching the lmtp/lda process limits.

AVG-2088 pigeonhole 0.5.14-1 Medium Vulnerable


Disabling the regex sieve extension avoids the worst problems. lmtp_user_concurrency_limit may also be helpful.