Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2020-28896  

A security issue has been found in Mutt before version 2.0.2 and NeoMutt before version 20201120 that could result in authentication credentials being sent over an unencrypted connection, without $ssl_force_tls being consulted. During connection, if the server provided an illegal initial response, the application "bailed", but did not actually close the connection. The calling code relied on the connection status to decide to continue with authentication, instead of checking the "bail" return value.

Severity High

Remote Yes

Type Silent downgrade


A security issue has been found in Mutt before version 2.0.2 and NeoMutt before version 20201120 that could result in authentication credentials being sent over an unencrypted connection, without $ssl_force_tls being consulted. During connection, if the server provided an illegal initial response, the application "bailed", but did not actually close the connection. The calling code relied on the connection status to decide to continue with authentication, instead of checking the "bail" return value.

AVG-1289 neomutt 20200925-1 High Vulnerable

AVG-1288 mutt 2.0.1-1 2.0.2-1 High Fixed