Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-21609  

Jenkins includes a static list of URLs that are always accessible even without Overall/Read permission, such as the login form. These URLs are excluded from an otherwise universal permission check. Jenkins 2.274 and earlier, LTS 2.263.1 and earlier does not correctly compare requested URLs with that list. This allows attackers without Overall/Read permission to access plugin-provided URLs with any of the following prefixes if no other permissions are required: accessDenied, error, instance-identity, login, logout, oops, securityRealm, signup and tcpSlaveAgentListener. For example, a plugin contributing the path loginFoo/ would have URLs in that space accessible without the default Overall/Read permission check. The Jenkins security team is not aware of any affected plugins as of the publication of this advisory. The comparison of requested URLs with the list of always accessible URLs has been fixed to only allow access to the specific listed URLs in Jenkins 2.275, LTS 2.263.2.

Severity Low

Remote Yes

Type Insufficient validation


Jenkins includes a static list of URLs that are always accessible even without Overall/Read permission, such as the login form. These URLs are excluded from an otherwise universal permission check. Jenkins 2.274 and earlier, LTS 2.263.1 and earlier does not correctly compare requested URLs with that list. This allows attackers without Overall/Read permission to access plugin-provided URLs with any of the following prefixes if no other permissions are required: accessDenied, error, instance-identity, login, logout, oops, securityRealm, signup and tcpSlaveAgentListener.  For example, a plugin contributing the path loginFoo/ would have URLs in that space accessible without the default Overall/Read permission check. The Jenkins security team is not aware of any affected plugins as of the publication of this advisory. The comparison of requested URLs with the list of always accessible URLs has been fixed to only allow access to the specific listed URLs in Jenkins 2.275, LTS 2.263.2.

AVG-1446 jenkins 2.274-1 2.275-1 High Fixed