Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-21694  

A security issue has been found in Jenkins before version 2.319. FilePath#toURI, FilePath#hasSymlink, FilePath#absolutize, FilePath#isDescendant, and FilePath#get*DiskSpace do not check any permissions. This allows agent processes to read and write arbitrary files on the Jenkins controller file system, and obtain some information about Jenkins controller file systems.

Severity Critical

Remote Yes

Type Arbitrary filesystem access


A security issue has been found in Jenkins before version 2.319. FilePath#toURI, FilePath#hasSymlink, FilePath#absolutize, FilePath#isDescendant, and FilePath#get*DiskSpace do not check any permissions. This allows agent processes to read and write arbitrary files on the Jenkins controller file system, and obtain some information about Jenkins controller file systems.

AVG-2526 jenkins 2.318-1 Critical Vulnerable