
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-32052  

A flaw was found in django. On Python 3.9.5+, `URLValidator` didn't prohibited newlines and tabs which could lead to a header injection attack if these were used in an HTTP response. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity.


A flaw was found in django. On Python 3.9.5+, `URLValidator` didn't prohibited newlines and tabs which could lead to a header injection attack if these were used in an HTTP response. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity.


* Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) 2 and 3 have reached End Of Life, and are marked won't fix. * Red Hat Gluster Storage 3 ships an old version of Django (v1.11.27) that provides support for Python 3.7, hence not affected by this vulnerability.
  • Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) 2 and 3 have reached End Of Life, and are marked won't fix.
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage 3 ships an old version of Django (v1.11.27) that provides support for Python 3.7, hence not affected by this vulnerability.

Additional Information

  • Bugzilla 1957455: CVE-2021-32052 django: header injection possibility since URLValidator accepted newlines in input on Python 3.9.5+
  • CWE-20: Improper Input Validation
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions about CVE-2021-32052