Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-32656  

A security issue has been found in Nextcloud Server before version 21.0.2. Nextcloud supports sharing of the registered users with other Nextcloud servers. Nextcloud supports adding these automated when selecting the "Add server automatically once a federated share was created successfully" setting. As a public link can be added as federated share, an attacker can trigger this exchange if they have access to a public link, thus getting access to basic user information.

Severity Medium

Remote Yes

Type Information disclosure


A security issue has been found in Nextcloud Server before version 21.0.2. Nextcloud supports sharing of the registered users with other Nextcloud servers. Nextcloud supports adding these automated when selecting the "Add server automatically once a federated share was created successfully" setting.

As a public link can be added as federated share, an attacker can trigger this exchange if they have access to a public link, thus getting access to basic user information.

AVG-2024 nextcloud 21.0.1-3 21.0.2-1 High Fixed