Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-37640  

In TensorFlow before version 2.6.0 the implementation of tf.raw_ops.SparseReshape can be made to trigger an integral division by 0 exception. The implementation calls the reshaping functor whenever there is at least an index in the input but does not check that shape of the input or the target shape have both a non-zero number of elements. The reshape functor blindly divides by the dimensions of the target shape. Hence, if this is not checked, code will result in a division by 0.

Severity Low

Remote No

Type Denial of service


In TensorFlow before version 2.6.0 the implementation of tf.raw_ops.SparseReshape can be made to trigger an integral division by 0 exception. The implementation calls the reshaping functor whenever there is at least an index in the input but does not check that shape of the input or the target shape have both a non-zero number of elements. The reshape functor blindly divides by the dimensions of the target shape. Hence, if this is not checked, code will result in a division by 0.

AVG-2292 tensorflow 2.5.0-6 2.5.1-1 Critical Fixed