
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-23599  

Products.ATContentTypes are the core content types for Plone 2.1 - 4.3. Versions of Plone that are dependent on Products.ATContentTypes prior to version 3.0.6 are vulnerable to reflected cross site scripting and open redirect when an attacker can get a compromised version of the image_view_fullscreen page in a cache, for example in Varnish. The technique is known as cache poisoning. Any later visitor can get redirected when clicking on a link on this page. Usually only anonymous users are affected, but this depends on the user's cache settings. Version 3.0.6 of Products.ATContentTypes has been released with a fix. This version works on Plone 5.2, Python 2 only. As a workaround, make sure the image_view_fullscreen page is not stored in the cache. More information about the vulnerability and cvmitigation measures is available in the GitHub Security Advisory.


The MITRE CVE dictionary describes this issue as:

Products.ATContentTypes are the core content types for Plone 2.1 - 4.3. Versions of Plone that are dependent on Products.ATContentTypes prior to version 3.0.6 are vulnerable to reflected cross site scripting and open redirect when an attacker can get a compromised version of the image_view_fullscreen page in a cache, for example in Varnish. The technique is known as cache poisoning. Any later visitor can get redirected when clicking on a link on this page. Usually only anonymous users are affected, but this depends on the user's cache settings. Version 3.0.6 of Products.ATContentTypes has been released with a fix. This version works on Plone 5.2, Python 2 only. As a workaround, make sure the image_view_fullscreen page is not stored in the cache. More information about the vulnerability and cvmitigation measures is available in the GitHub Security Advisory.

Additional Information

  • Bugzilla 2048662: CVE-2022-23599 Plone: Cache poisoning in image_view_fullscreen
  • CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
  • FAQ: Frequently asked questions about CVE-2022-23599