Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-22462  

DescriptionA flaw was found in the Grafana core plugin, "Text." The vulnerability was possible due to React's render cycle that will pass through unsanitized HTML code. However, the HTML is cleaned and saved in Grafana's database in the next cycle. An attacker needs the Editor role in changing a Text panel to include JavaScript. Later, another user needs to edit the same Text panel and click "Markdown" or "HTML" to execute the code. This issue allows possible vertical privilege escalation, where a user with an Editor role can change to a known password for a user having an Admin role if the user with an Admin role executes malicious JavaScript viewing a dashboard.A flaw was found in the Grafana core plugin, "Text." The vulnerability was possible due to React's render cycle that will pass through unsanitized HTML code. However, the HTML is cleaned and saved in Grafana's database in the next cycle. An attacker needs the Editor role in changing a Text panel to include JavaScript. Later, another user needs to edit the same Text panel and click "Markdown" or "HTML" to execute the code. This issue allows possible vertical privilege escalation, where a user with an Editor role can change to a known password for a user having an Admin role if the user with an Admin role executes malicious JavaScript viewing a dashboard.

Affected Packages and Issued Red Hat Security Errata

Unless explicitly stated as not affected, all previous versions of packages in any minor update stream of a product listed here should be assumed vulnerable, although may not have been subject to full analysis.