Cisco Conductor for Videoscape and Cisco Headend System Release HTTP Injection Vulnerability

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-0747  

A vulnerability in the Cisco Conductor for Videoscape and Cisco Headend System Releases could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to inject arbitrary HTTP cookies via an HTTP request. The vulnerability is due to improper input validation of an HTTP request header. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted HTTP request that is designed to modify the HTTP header of an affected device. An exploit could allow the attacker to take control of an HTTP session on the affected device, which could be leveraged to conduct further attacks. Cisco has confirmed the vulnerability; however, software updates are not available. To exploit the vulnerability, the attacker may provide a link that directs a user to a malicious site and use misleading language or instructions to persuade the user to follow the link.