cvs security update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-0778   CVE-2004-0418   CVE-2004-0417   CVE-2004-0416   CVE-2004-0414  


cvs security update


Security Advisory: Critical


An updated cvs package that fixes several server vulnerabilities, which could
be exploited by a malicious client, is now available.


CVS is a version control system frequently used to manage source code

While investigating a previously fixed vulnerability, Derek Price
discovered a flaw relating to malformed "Entry" lines which lead to a
missing NULL terminator. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
project ( has assigned the name CAN-2004-0414 to this issue.

Stefan Esser and Sebastian Krahmer conducted an audit of CVS and fixed a
number of issues that may have had security consequences.

Among the issues deemed likely to be exploitable were:

  • - a double-free relating to the error_prog_name string (CAN-2004-0416)
  • - an argument integer overflow (CAN-2004-0417)
  • - out-of-bounds writes in serv_notify (CAN-2004-0418).

An attacker who has access to a CVS server may be able to execute arbitrary
code under the UID on which the CVS server is executing.

Users of CVS are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which contains
backported patches correcting these issues.

Red Hat would like to thank Stefan Esser, Sebastian Krahmer, and Derek
Price for auditing, disclosing, and providing patches for these issues.


Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

To update all RPMs for your particular architecture, run:

rpm -Fvh [filenames]

where [filenames] is a list of the RPMs you wish to upgrade. Only those
RPMs which are currently installed will be updated. Those RPMs which are
not installed but included in the list will not be updated. Note that you
can also use wildcards (*.rpm) if your current directory *only* contains the
desired RPMs.

Please note that this update is also available via Red Hat Network. Many
people find this an easier way to apply updates. To use Red Hat Network,
launch the Red Hat Update Agent with the following command:


This will start an interactive process that will result in the appropriate
RPMs being upgraded on your system.

If up2date fails to connect to Red Hat Network due to SSL
Certificate Errors, you need to install a version of the
up2date client with an updated certificate. The latest version of
up2date is available from the Red Hat FTP site and may also be
downloaded directly from the RHN website:

Affected Products

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 3 x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 3 ia64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 3 i386
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 2 ia64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 2 i386
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 3 x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 3 ia64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 3 i386
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 2 ia64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 2 i386
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 3 x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 3 i386
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z Systems 3 s390x
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z Systems 3 s390
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Power, big endian 3 ppc




