Moderate: openstack-packstack security and bug fix update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2013-1815   CVE-2013-1815  


Moderate: openstack-packstack security and bug fix update


Security Advisory: Moderate


An updated openstack-packstack package that fixes one security issue and
several bugs is now available for Red Hat OpenStack Folsom.

The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate
security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the CVE link in
the References section.


PackStack is a command line utility that uses Puppet modules to support
rapid deployment of OpenStack on existing servers over an SSH connection.
PackStack is suitable for deploying both single node proof of concept
installations and more complex multi-node installations.

It was found that PackStack did not handle the answer file securely. In
some environments, such as those using a non-default umask, a local
attacker could possibly modify the answer file if PackStack was run in an
attacker controlled directory, or attempted to create the answer file in
"/tmp/", allowing the attacker to modify systems being deployed using
OpenStack. Note: After applying this update, PackStack will create the
answer file in the user's home directory by default. It will no longer
create it in the current working directory or the "/tmp/" directory by
default. (CVE-2013-1815)

The CVE-2013-1815 issue was discovered by Derek Higgins of the Red Hat
OpenStack team.

This update also fixes several bugs in the openstack-packstack package.

All users of openstack-packstack are advised to upgrade to this updated
package, which corrects these issues.


Before applying this update, make sure all previously-released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via the Red Hat Network. Details on how to
use the Red Hat Network to apply this update are available at

Affected Products

  • Red Hat OpenStack folsom x86_64


  • BZ - 865347 - RFE: Hypervisor installer should change host's IO scheduler to deadline for improved performance
  • BZ - 886603 - Openstack Installer: packstack should handle both IP addresses and hostnames for all parameters available in its answer file.
  • BZ - 888725 - packstack puppet recipes should set authtoken parameters in *.conf not paste.ini
  • BZ - 892247 - Provide --all-in-one parameter to Packstack
  • BZ - 893107 - Openstack-packstack: The installation log file is available at </path> - is empty, ( when not using '--debug=true') .
  • BZ - 894733 - packstack: keystonerc_admin file generation: assumes '/root' exists, stores keystonerc_admin file with too much permissions
  • BZ - 896618 - RFE: Use full/explanatory service names in user prompts.
  • BZ - 903502 - packstack munges my RHN password
  • BZ - 903545 - take /usr/share/*dist.conf into account when writing /etc/*conf
  • BZ - 903813 - Configure Horizon to use HTTPS by default.
  • BZ - 905081 - glance endpoint url contains version which brakes new-enough python-glanceclient
  • BZ - 905368 - Support for RHN Hosted and Satellite
  • BZ - 905842 - NTP configuration fails if ntpd service is running in the machine already
  • BZ - 908695 - openstack-packstack: Installation failed on iptables Command Error 'Resource temporarily unavailable'.
  • BZ - 908771 - Have consistent conventions for variables (passwords)
  • BZ - 908837 - RHEL version not supported. RHEL >6.4 required is not true. True is RHEL >= 6.4 is required.
  • BZ - 908838 - RHEL version not supported. RHEL >6.4 required is not true. Reported when connection problem happened.
  • BZ - 908846 - answer file options values doesn't allow white-spaces
  • BZ - 908900 - CONFIG_SWIFT_STORAGE_HOSTS format handling is badly parsed
  • BZ - 910089 - Packstack doesn't make sure the private interface is up
  • BZ - 910210 - packstack needs to add option to subscribe to rh beta rpm's
  • BZ - 911626 - double first typo in answfile
  • BZ - 912006 - Openstack Installer: packstack error while trying to validate NTP server
  • BZ - 912702 - Remove symlink to qemu-kvm from qemu-system-x86_64 created for VM on VM installs
  • BZ - 912745 - INFO_KEYSTONERC hardcoded to /root/ location.
  • BZ - 912768 - Packstack needs to add nagios to monitor hosts
  • BZ - 915382 - Prompt for NTP should highlight way to provide list (comma separated)
  • BZ - 917904 - CVE-2013-1815 OpenStack packstack: answerfile creation permissions issue

