Important: thunderbird security update


Important: thunderbird security update


Security Advisory: Important

Red Hat Insights patch analysis

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An update for thunderbird is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 Extended Update Support.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section.


Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client.

This update upgrades Thunderbird to version 91.6.0.

Security Fix(es):

  • Mozilla: Extensions could have bypassed permission confirmation during update (CVE-2022-22754)
  • Mozilla: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 97 and Firefox ESR 91.6 (CVE-2022-22764)
  • Mozilla: Drag and dropping an image could have resulted in the dropped object being an executable (CVE-2022-22756)
  • Mozilla: Sandboxed iframes could have executed script if the parent appended elements (CVE-2022-22759)
  • Mozilla: Cross-Origin responses could be distinguished between script and non-script content-types (CVE-2022-22760)
  • Mozilla: frame-ancestors Content Security Policy directive was not enforced for framed extension pages (CVE-2022-22761)
  • Mozilla: Script Execution during invalid object state (CVE-2022-22763)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.


For details on how to apply this update, which includes the changes described in this advisory, refer to:

All running instances of Thunderbird must be restarted for the update to take effect.

Affected Products

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 - Extended Update Support 8.4 x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - AUS 8.4 x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM z Systems - Extended Update Support 8.4 s390x
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Power, little endian - Extended Update Support 8.4 ppc64le
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - TUS 8.4 x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux for ARM 64 - Extended Update Support 8.4 aarch64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (for IBM Power LE) - Update Services for SAP Solutions 8.4 ppc64le
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Update Services for SAP Solutions 8.4 x86_64


  • BZ - 2053236 - CVE-2022-22754 Mozilla: Extensions could have bypassed permission confirmation during update
  • BZ - 2053237 - CVE-2022-22756 Mozilla: Drag and dropping an image could have resulted in the dropped object being an executable
  • BZ - 2053238 - CVE-2022-22760 Mozilla: Cross-Origin responses could be distinguished between script and non-script content-types
  • BZ - 2053239 - CVE-2022-22761 Mozilla: frame-ancestors Content Security Policy directive was not enforced for framed extension pages
  • BZ - 2053240 - CVE-2022-22763 Mozilla: Script Execution during invalid object state
  • BZ - 2053242 - CVE-2022-22759 Mozilla: Sandboxed iframes could have executed script if the parent appended elements
  • BZ - 2053243 - CVE-2022-22764 Mozilla: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 97 and Firefox ESR 91.6