shadow vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2016-6252   CVE-2017-2616  

su could be made to crash or stop programs as an administrator.

Sebastian Krahmer discovered integer overflows in shadow utilities. A local attacker could possibly cause them to crash or potentially gain privileges via crafted input. (CVE-2016-6252)

5 May 2017

shadow vulnerabilities

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 17.04
  • Ubuntu 16.10
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


su could be made to crash or stop programs as an administrator.

Software Description

  • shadow - system login tools


Sebastian Krahmer discovered integer overflows in shadow utilities. A local attacker could possibly cause them to crash or potentially gain privileges via crafted input. (CVE-2016-6252)

Tobias Stöckmann discovered a race condition in su. A local attacker could cause su to send SIGKILL to other processes with root privileges. (CVE-2017-2616)

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:

Ubuntu 17.04
login - 1:4.2-3.2ubuntu1.17.04.1
passwd - 1:4.2-3.2ubuntu1.17.04.1
uidmap - 1:4.2-3.2ubuntu1.17.04.1
Ubuntu 16.10
login - 1:4.2-3.2ubuntu1.16.10.1
passwd - 1:4.2-3.2ubuntu1.16.10.1
uidmap - 1:4.2-3.2ubuntu1.16.10.1
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
login - 1:4.2-3.1ubuntu5.2
passwd - 1:4.2-3.1ubuntu5.2
uidmap - 1:4.2-3.1ubuntu5.2
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
login - 1:
passwd - 1:
uidmap - 1:

To update your system, please follow these instructions:

In general, a standard system update will make all the necessary changes.
