nvidia-graphics-drivers-384 vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-6249   CVE-2018-6253  

NVIDIA graphics drivers could be made to crash or run programs as an administrator.

It was discovered that the NVIDIA graphics drivers contained flaws in the kernel mode layer. A local attacker could use these issues to cause a denial of service or potentially escalate their privileges on the system.

29 May 2018

nvidia-graphics-drivers-384 vulnerabilities

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 17.10
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


NVIDIA graphics drivers could be made to crash or run programs as an administrator.

Software Description

  • nvidia-graphics-drivers-384 - NVIDIA binary X.Org driver


It was discovered that the NVIDIA graphics drivers contained flaws in the kernel mode layer. A local attacker could use these issues to cause a denial of service or potentially escalate their privileges on the system.

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:

Ubuntu 17.10
nvidia-384 - 384.130-0ubuntu0.17.10.1
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
nvidia-384 - 384.130-0ubuntu0.16.04.1
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
nvidia-384 - 384.130-0ubuntu0.14.04.1

To update your system, please follow these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Upgrades.

After a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make all the necessary changes.
