imlib2 vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2004-1025   CVE-2004-1026  

Recently, Pavel Kankovsky discovered several buffer overflows in imlib which were fixed in USN-53-1. It was found that imlib2 was vulnerable to similar issues.

If an attacker tricked a user into loading a malicious XPM or BMP image, he could exploit this to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user opening the image.

7 January 2005

imlib2 vulnerabilities

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 4.10

Software Description


Recently, Pavel Kankovsky discovered several buffer overflows in imlib which were fixed in USN-53-1. It was found that imlib2 was vulnerable to similar issues.

If an attacker tricked a user into loading a malicious XPM or BMP image, he could exploit this to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user opening the image.

These vulnerabilities might also lead to privilege escalation if a privileged server process is using this library; for example, a PHP script on the web server which does automatic image processing might use the php-imlib package, in which case a remote attacker could possibly execute arbitrary code with the web server’s privileges.

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:

Ubuntu 4.10

To update your system, please follow these instructions:
