mysql-dfsg-5.0 vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2008-2079   CVE-2008-4097   CVE-2008-4098   CVE-2008-3963  

It was discovered that MySQL could be made to overwrite existing table files in the data directory. An authenticated user could use the DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY options to possibly bypass privilege checks. This update alters table creation behaviour by disallowing the use of the MySQL data directory in DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY options. (CVE-2008-2079, CVE-2008-4097 and CVE-2008-4098)

It was discovered that MySQL did not handle empty bit-string literals properly. An attacker could exploit this problem and cause the MySQL server to crash, leading to a denial of service. (CVE-2008-3963)

17 November 2008

mysql-dfsg-5.0 vulnerabilities

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 7.10
  • Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Software Description

  • mysql-dfsg-5.0


It was discovered that MySQL could be made to overwrite existing table files in the data directory. An authenticated user could use the DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY options to possibly bypass privilege checks. This update alters table creation behaviour by disallowing the use of the MySQL data directory in DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY options. (CVE-2008-2079, CVE-2008-4097 and CVE-2008-4098)

It was discovered that MySQL did not handle empty bit-string literals properly. An attacker could exploit this problem and cause the MySQL server to crash, leading to a denial of service. (CVE-2008-3963)

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
mysql-server-5.0 - 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4
Ubuntu 7.10
mysql-server-5.0 - 5.0.45-1ubuntu3.4
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
mysql-server-5.0 - 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.11

To update your system, please follow these instructions:

In general, a standard system upgrade is sufficient to effect the necessary changes.
