DSA-2533-1 pcp -- several vulnerabilities

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-3418   CVE-2012-3419   CVE-2012-3420   CVE-2012-3421  

It was discovered that Performance Co-Pilot (pcp), a framework for performance monitoring, contains several vulnerabilities. CVE-2012-3418 Multiple buffer overflows in the PCP protocol decoders can cause PCP clients and servers to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code while processing crafted PDUs. CVE-2012-3419 The linux PMDA used by the pmcd daemon discloses sensitive information from the /proc file system to unauthenticated clients. CVE-2012-3420 Multiple memory leaks processing crafted requests can cause pmcd to consume large amounts of memory and eventually crash. CVE-2012-3421 Incorrect event-driven programming allows malicious clients to prevent other clients from accessing the pmcd daemon. To address the information disclosure vulnerability, CVE-2012-3419, a new proc PMDA was introduced, which is disabled by default. If you need access to this information, you need to enable the proc PMDA. For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in version 3.3.3-squeeze2. For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 3.6.5. We recommend that you upgrade your pcp packages.

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-2533-1 pcp -- several vulnerabilities

Date Reported:
23 Aug 2012
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2012-3418, CVE-2012-3419, CVE-2012-3420, CVE-2012-3421.
More information:

It was discovered that Performance Co-Pilot (pcp), a framework for performance monitoring, contains several vulnerabilities.

  • CVE-2012-3418

    Multiple buffer overflows in the PCP protocol decoders can cause PCP clients and servers to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code while processing crafted PDUs.

  • CVE-2012-3419

    The linux PMDA used by the pmcd daemon discloses sensitive information from the /proc file system to unauthenticated clients.

  • CVE-2012-3420

    Multiple memory leaks processing crafted requests can cause pmcd to consume large amounts of memory and eventually crash.

  • CVE-2012-3421

    Incorrect event-driven programming allows malicious clients to prevent other clients from accessing the pmcd daemon.

To address the information disclosure vulnerability, CVE-2012-3419, a new proc PMDA was introduced, which is disabled by default. If you need access to this information, you need to enable the proc PMDA.

For the stable distribution (squeeze), this problem has been fixed in version 3.3.3-squeeze2.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 3.6.5.

We recommend that you upgrade your pcp packages.