DSA-1470-1 horde3 -- missing input sanitising

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2007-6018  

Ulf Härnhammar discovered that the HTML filter of the Horde web application framework performed insufficient input sanitising, which may lead to the deletion of emails if a user is tricked into viewing a malformed email inside the Imp client. This update also provides backported bugfixes to the cross-site scripting filter and the user management API from the latest Horde release 3.1.6. The old stable distribution (sarge) is not affected. An update to Etch is recommended, though. For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version 3.1.3-4etch2. We recommend that you upgrade your horde3 package.

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-1470-1 horde3 -- missing input sanitising

Date Reported:
20 Jan 2008
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2007-6018.
More information:

Ulf Härnhammar discovered that the HTML filter of the Horde web application framework performed insufficient input sanitising, which may lead to the deletion of emails if a user is tricked into viewing a malformed email inside the Imp client.

This update also provides backported bugfixes to the cross-site scripting filter and the user management API from the latest Horde release 3.1.6.

The old stable distribution (sarge) is not affected. An update to Etch is recommended, though.

For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version 3.1.3-4etch4.

We recommend that you upgrade your horde3 package.

Fixed in:

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (stable)

Architecture-independent component:

MD5 checksums of the listed files are available in the original advisory.