gss-ntlmssp: CVE-2023-25563 CVE-2023-25564 CVE-2023-25565 CVE-2023-25566 CVE-2023-25567

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-25563   CVE-2023-25564   CVE-2023-25565   CVE-2023-25566   CVE-2023-25567  

Debian Bug report logs - #1031369
gss-ntlmssp: CVE-2023-25563 CVE-2023-25564 CVE-2023-25565 CVE-2023-25566 CVE-2023-25567

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Reported by: Salvatore Bonaccorso <>

Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 21:33:02 UTC

Severity: important

Tags: security, upstream

Found in version gss-ntlmssp/1.0.0-1

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Report forwarded to,,, Timo Aaltonen <>:
Bug#1031369; Package src:gss-ntlmssp. (Wed, 15 Feb 2023 21:33:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sent to Salvatore Bonaccorso <>:
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to,, Timo Aaltonen <>. (Wed, 15 Feb 2023 21:33:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

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From: Salvatore Bonaccorso <>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <>
Subject: gss-ntlmssp: CVE-2023-25563 CVE-2023-25564 CVE-2023-25565 CVE-2023-25566 CVE-2023-25567
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 22:29:22 +0100
Source: gss-ntlmssp
Version: 1.0.0-1
Severity: important
Tags: security upstream
X-Debbugs-Cc:, Debian Security Team <>


The following vulnerabilities were published for gss-ntlmssp.

| GSS-NTLMSSP is a mechglue plugin for the GSSAPI library that
| implements NTLM authentication. Prior to version 1.2.0, multiple out-
| of-bounds reads when decoding NTLM fields can trigger a denial of
| service. A 32-bit integer overflow condition can lead to incorrect
| checks of consistency of length of internal buffers. Although most
| applications will error out before accepting a singe input buffer of
| 4GB in length this could theoretically happen. This vulnerability can
| be triggered via the main `gss_accept_sec_context` entry point if the
| application allows tokens greater than 4GB in length. This can lead to
| a large, up to 65KB, out-of-bounds read which could cause a denial-of-
| service if it reads from unmapped memory. Version 1.2.0 contains a
| patch for the out-of-bounds reads.

| GSS-NTLMSSP is a mechglue plugin for the GSSAPI library that
| implements NTLM authentication. Prior to version 1.2.0, memory
| corruption can be triggered when decoding UTF16 strings. The variable
| `outlen` was not initialized and could cause writing a zero to an
| arbitrary place in memory if `ntlm_str_convert()` were to fail, which
| would leave `outlen` uninitialized. This can lead to a denial of
| service if the write hits unmapped memory or randomly corrupts a byte
| in the application memory space. This vulnerability can trigger an
| out-of-bounds write, leading to memory corruption. This vulnerability
| can be triggered via the main `gss_accept_sec_context` entry point.
| This issue is fixed in version 1.2.0.

| GSS-NTLMSSP is a mechglue plugin for the GSSAPI library that
| implements NTLM authentication. Prior to version 1.2.0, an incorrect
| free when decoding target information can trigger a denial of service.
| The error condition incorrectly assumes the `cb` and `sh` buffers
| contain a copy of the data that needs to be freed. However, that is
| not the case. This vulnerability can be triggered via the main
| `gss_accept_sec_context` entry point. This will likely trigger an
| assertion failure in `free`, causing a denial-of-service. This issue
| is fixed in version 1.2.0.

| GSS-NTLMSSP is a mechglue plugin for the GSSAPI library that
| implements NTLM authentication. Prior to version 1.2.0, a memory leak
| can be triggered when parsing usernames which can trigger a denial-of-
| service. The domain portion of a username may be overridden causing an
| allocated memory area the size of the domain name to be leaked. An
| attacker can leak memory via the main `gss_accept_sec_context` entry
| point, potentially causing a denial-of-service. This issue is fixed in
| version 1.2.0.

| GSS-NTLMSSP, a mechglue plugin for the GSSAPI library that implements
| NTLM authentication, has an out-of-bounds read when decoding target
| information prior to version 1.2.0. The length of the `av_pair` is not
| checked properly for two of the elements which can trigger an out-of-
| bound read. The out-of-bounds read can be triggered via the main
| `gss_accept_sec_context` entry point and could cause a denial-of-
| service if the memory is unmapped. The issue is fixed in version
| 1.2.0.

If you fix the vulnerabilities please also make sure to include the
CVE (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) ids in your changelog entry.

For further information see:


Please adjust the affected versions in the BTS as needed.


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