DSA-3793-1 shadow -- security update

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2016-6252   CVE-2017-2616  

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the shadow suite. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems: CVE-2016-6252 An integer overflow vulnerability was discovered, potentially allowing a local user to escalate privileges via crafted input to the newuidmap utility. CVE-2017-2616 Tobias Stoeckmann discovered that su does not properly handle clearing a child PID. A local attacker can take advantage of this flaw to send SIGKILL to other processes with root privileges, resulting in denial of service. For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in version 1:4.2-3+deb8u3. We recommend that you upgrade your shadow packages.

Debian Security Advisory

DSA-3793-1 shadow -- security update

Date Reported:
24 Feb 2017
Affected Packages:
Security database references:
In the Debian bugtracking system: Bug 832170, Bug 855943.
In Mitre's CVE dictionary: CVE-2016-6252, CVE-2017-2616.
More information:

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the shadow suite. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems:

  • CVE-2016-6252

    An integer overflow vulnerability was discovered, potentially allowing a local user to escalate privileges via crafted input to the newuidmap utility.

  • CVE-2017-2616

    Tobias Stoeckmann discovered that su does not properly handle clearing a child PID. A local attacker can take advantage of this flaw to send SIGKILL to other processes with root privileges, resulting in denial of service.

For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in version 1:4.2-3+deb8u3.

We recommend that you upgrade your shadow packages.