Cisco Unified Communications Manager Web Management Interface Cross-Site Scripting Filter Bypass Vulnerability

Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-4206  

A cross-site scripting (XSS) filter bypass vulnerability in the web management interface of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) versions 8.0 through 8.6 could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to mount XSS attacks against a user of an affected device. The vulnerability is due to a failure to properly call XSS filter subsystems when a URL contains a certain parameter. An attacker that can convince an authenticated user of an affected device to follow an attacker-provided link or visit an attacker-controlled website could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code in the context of the affected site on the user's browser. Cisco has not released software updates that address this vulnerability. There are no workarounds that address this vulnerability. This advisory is available at the following link: