
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-24801   CVE-2022-39348  

A flaw was found in python-twisted. This vulnerability occurs due to the parsing of illegal constructs in the twisted.web.http module. The illegal constructs include '+/-' in the Content-Length header, '\n and \t' etc. Non-conformant parsing leads to a desync if requests pass through multiple HTTP parsers. This flaw allows a remote attacker to perform an HTTP request smuggling attack. (CVE-2022-24801) Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Started with version 0.9.4, when the host header does not match a configured host `twisted.web.vhost.NameVirtualHost` will return a `NoResource` resource which renders the Host header unescaped into the 404 response allowing HTML and script injection. In practice this should be very difficult to exploit as being able to modify the Host header of a normal HTTP request implies that one is already in a privileged position. This issue was fixed in version 22.10.0rc1. There are no known workarounds. (CVE-2022-39348)


Amazon Linux AMI Security Advisory: ALAS-2023-1717
Advisory Release Date: 2023-03-30 22:50 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2023-04-05 20:24 Pacific
Severity: Important

Issue Overview:

A flaw was found in python-twisted. This vulnerability occurs due to the parsing of illegal constructs in the twisted.web.http module. The illegal constructs include '+/-' in the Content-Length header, '\n and \t' etc. Non-conformant parsing leads to a desync if requests pass through multiple HTTP parsers. This flaw allows a remote attacker to perform an HTTP request smuggling attack. (CVE-2022-24801)

Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Started with version 0.9.4, when the host header does not match a configured host `twisted.web.vhost.NameVirtualHost` will return a `NoResource` resource which renders the Host header unescaped into the 404 response allowing HTML and script injection. In practice this should be very difficult to exploit as being able to modify the Host header of a normal HTTP request implies that one is already in a privileged position. This issue was fixed in version 22.10.0rc1. There are no known workarounds. (CVE-2022-39348)

Affected Packages:


Issue Correction:
Run yum update python-twisted-web to update your system.

New Packages:

