Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-11782  

Subversion svn:// connections, including svn+ssh:// and svn+<custom>://, use a custom network protocol [1] with Lisp-like syntax. The code implementing the protocol has dedicated codepaths for serialization of revision numbers into protocol integers. A particular client query could cause the server to attempt to reply with a revision number whose value is the invalid revision number constant `SVN_INVALID_REVNUM`, thereby triggering an assertion failure in the the serialization layer.

Severity Medium

Remote Yes

Type Denial of service


Subversion svn:// connections, including svn+ssh:// and svn+<custom>://, use a custom network protocol [1] with Lisp-like syntax.  The code implementing the protocol has dedicated codepaths for serialization of revision numbers into protocol integers.  A particular client query could cause the server to attempt to reply with a revision number whose value is the invalid revision number constant `SVN_INVALID_REVNUM`, thereby triggering an assertion failure in the the serialization layer.

AVG-1016 subversion 1.12.0-3 High Vulnerable