
Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-7576  

A flaw was found in the way the Action Controller component compared user names and passwords when performing HTTP basic authentication. Time taken to compare strings could differ depending on input, possibly allowing a remote attacker to determine valid user names and passwords using a timing attack.

A flaw was found in the way the Action Controller component compared user names and passwords when performing HTTP basic authentication. Time taken to compare strings could differ depending on input, possibly allowing a remote attacker to determine valid user names and passwords using a timing attack.

Find out more about CVE-2015-7576 from the MITRE CVE dictionary dictionary and NIST NVD.

CVSS v2 metrics

Base Score 4.3
Base Metrics AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N
Access Vector Network
Access Complexity Medium
Authentication None
Confidentiality Impact Partial
Integrity Impact None
Availability Impact None

Find out more about Red Hat support for the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).

Red Hat Security Errata

Platform Errata Release Date
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (rh-ror41-rubygem-actionpack) RHSA-2016:0296 2016-02-24
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (ruby193-rubygem-actionpack) RHSA-2016:0455 2016-03-15
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (ror40-rubygem-actionpack) RHSA-2016:0454 2016-03-15
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (rh-ror41-rubygem-actionpack) RHSA-2016:0296 2016-02-24
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (ror40-rubygem-actionpack) RHSA-2016:0454 2016-03-15
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (ruby193-rubygem-actionpack) RHSA-2016:0455 2016-03-15

Affected Packages State

Platform Package State
Red Hat Subscription Asset Manager 1 ruby193-rubygem-actionpack Will not fix
Red Hat Subscription Asset Manager 1 rubygem-actionpack Will not fix


Red Hat would like to thank Ruby on Rails project for reporting this issue. Upstream acknowledges Daniel Waterworth as the original reporter.


Use following code to monkey-patch http_basic_authenticate_with method in ActionController:

module ActiveSupport
module SecurityUtils
def secure_compare(a, b)
return false unless a.bytesize == b.bytesize

l = a.unpack "C#{a.bytesize}"

res = 0
b.each_byte { |byte| res |= byte ^ l.shift }
res == 0
module_function :secure_compare

def variable_size_secure_compare(a, b)
secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(a), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(b))
module_function :variable_size_secure_compare

module ActionController
class Base
def self.http_basic_authenticate_with(options = {})
before_action(options.except(:name, :password, :realm)) do
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic(options[:realm] || "Application") do |name, password|
# This comparison uses & so that it doesn't short circuit and
# uses `variable_size_secure_compare` so that length information
# isn't leaked.
ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare(name, options[:name]) &
ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare(password, options[:password])

External References