Related Vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-45866  

DescriptionA flaw was found in the HID Profile in BlueZ that opens doors for unauthorized connections, especially by devices like keyboards, to inject keystrokes without user confirmation. BlueZ lacks proper restrictions on non-bonded devices, creating a risk for attackers that are physically close to inject keystrokes and execute arbitrary commands when the device is in a discoverable state.A flaw was found in the HID Profile in BlueZ that opens doors for unauthorized connections, especially by devices like keyboards, to inject keystrokes without user confirmation. BlueZ lacks proper restrictions on non-bonded devices, creating a risk for attackers that are physically close to inject keystrokes and execute arbitrary commands when the device is in a discoverable state.

Affected Packages and Issued Red Hat Security Errata

Unless explicitly stated as not affected, all previous versions of packages in any minor update stream of a product listed here should be assumed vulnerable, although may not have been subject to full analysis.