
CVSSv4: NA | CVSSv3: 2 | CVSSv2: 7.5 | VMScore: 850 | EPSS: 0.02283 | KEV: Not Included
Published: 15/12/2015 Updated: 21/11/2024

Vulnerability Summary

Serialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and Social Media; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application, Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices; Network Management and Provisioning; Routing and Switching - Enterprise and Service Provider; Unified Computing; Voice and Unified Communications Devices; Video, Streaming, TelePresence, and Transcoding Devices; Wireless; and Cisco Hosted Services products allow remote malicious users to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to the Apache Commons Collections (ACC) library.

Vulnerability Trend

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apache commons collections

apache commons collections 4.0

Vendor Advisories

Debian Bug report logs - #857343 logback: CVE-2017-5929: serialization vulnerability affecting the SocketServer and ServerSocketReceiver components Package: liblogback-java; Maintainer for liblogback-java is Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@listsaliothdebianorg>; Source for liblogback-java is src:logback (PTS, buildd ...
A vulnerability in the Java deserialization used by the Apache Commons Collections (ACC) library could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code The vulnerability is due to insecure deserialization of user-supplied content by the affected software An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by submitting crafted input ...

Github Repositories

🔒 Trivy를 활용한 Docker 이미지 보안 테스트 🔒 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 팀원 노솔리 @soljjang777 구동길@dkac0012 최수연@lotuxsoo 홍민영 @HongMinYeong 📑 개요 🔎Trivy는 컨테이너 이미지, 파일 시스템, 및 Git 리포지토리에서 보안 취약점을 탐지하는 경량화된 오픈 소스 도구입니다 특�

An automatic program repair tool for Android applications

apkRepair 这是一款可以对安卓应用程序apk安装包进行Java第三方库漏洞检测并自动修复的工具 Introduction 安卓目前是全球第一大智能手机操作系统,拥有丰富的应用程序。同时这些应用程序也越来越复杂,安卓应用程序发开人员为了简化发开流程往往会使用大量的第三方代码库来丰富应用程�

example-java-maven Example Java (maven) repository containing fake data with vulnerable dependencies There is at least one vulnerable dependency in this repository: CVE-2015-6420: Vulnerability in Java Deserialization (webnvdnistgov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2015-6420) Run OWASP Dependency Check Maven Plugin mvn orgowasp:dependency-check-maven:check

extraction of bytecode changes related to security patches

JPatch collect CVEs recorded in the sap-project-kb project, this will have patch commits, incl the actual sources that have been changed then look up version ranges, using GHSA API (or if this does not work, snyk or NVD) Open: need to map CVEs to GHSA id for query Possibilities: Clone githubcom/github/advisory-database/ and then get info from JSON entries , look fo

proof-of-concept demonstration of unsafe object deserialization

Jvm Reverse Shell A proof-of-concept demonstration of unsafe Jvm object deserialization (CVE-2015-6420) This repository contains three standalone projects: payload-generator, our program that generates a serial binary payloadser containing the serialized malicious object (reverse shell backend) The file is ready-to-deploy victim, our victim server Vulnerable to CVE-2015-64

Example Java (maven) repository containing fake data with vulnerable dependencies

example-java-maven Example Java (maven) repository containing fake data with vulnerable dependencies There is at least one vulnerable dependency in this repository: CVE-2015-6420: Vulnerability in Java Deserialization (webnvdnistgov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2015-6420) Run OWASP Dependency Check Maven Plugin mvn orgowasp:dependency-check-maven:check