
Published: 30/09/2018 Updated: 07/11/2023

Vulnerability Summary

Withdrawn Security Candidate: Investigated and Confirmed as Non-Issue

Do not use this candidate number. No consult IDs are related. The candidate was withdrawn by its CNA. A deeper look showed it wasn't a security issue. There are no additional notes.

Vulnerability Trend


# Exploit Title: virtualenv 1600 - Sandbox Escape # Date: 2018-10-02 # Exploit Author: vr_system # Vendor Homepage: virtualenvpypaio/en/stable/ # Software Link: virtualenvpypaio/en/stable/ # Version: 1600 # Tested on: kali linux # CVE : CVE-2018-17793 # 1 Install # root@kali:~#pip install virtualenv # root@kali:~#virtualenv ...
virtualenv version 1600 suffers from a sandbox escape vulnerability ...