

CVSSv4: NA | CVSSv3: 8.6 | CVSSv2: 7.5 | VMScore: 960 | EPSS: 0.00278 | KEV: Not Included
Published: 05/06/2020 Updated: 21/11/2024

Vulnerability Summary

Perl prior to 5.30.3 has an integer overflow related to mishandling of a "PL_regkind[OP(n)] == NOTHING" situation. A crafted regular expression could lead to malformed bytecode with a possibility of instruction injection.

Vulnerability Trend

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perl perl

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Vendor Advisories

Synopsis Moderate: Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 213 security and bug fix update Type/Severity Security Advisory: Moderate Topic Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 213 General Availabilityrelease images, which fix several bugs and security issues Red Hat Product Security has rated ...
Synopsis Moderate: perl security update Type/Severity Security Advisory: Moderate Topic An update for perl is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Moderate A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gi ...
Debian Bug report logs - #962005 perl: regexp security issues: CVE-2020-10543, CVE-2020-10878, CVE-2020-12723 Package: src:perl; Maintainer for src:perl is Niko Tyni <ntyni@debianorg>; Reported by: Dominic Hargreaves <dom@earthli> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 21:15:02 UTC Severity: important Tags: security Found in vers ...
Perl before 5303 on 32-bit platforms allows a heap-based buffer overflow because nested regular expression quantifiers have an integer overflow (CVE-2020-10543) Perl before 5303 has an integer overflow related to mishandling of a "PL_regkind[OP(n)] == NOTHING" situation A crafted regular expression could lead to malformed bytecode with a poss ...

Github Repositories

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