
Published: 25/04/2024 Updated: 10/06/2024

Vulnerability Summary

Issue summary: Checking excessively long invalid RSA public keys may take a long time. Impact summary: Applications that use the function EVP_PKEY_public_check() to check RSA public keys may experience long delays. Where the key that is being checked has been obtained from an untrusted source this may lead to a Denial of Service. When function EVP_PKEY_public_check() is called on RSA public keys, a computation is done to confirm that the RSA modulus, n, is composite. For valid RSA keys, n is a product of two or more large primes and this computation completes quickly. However, if n is an overly large prime, then this computation would take a long time. An application that calls EVP_PKEY_public_check() and supplies an RSA key obtained from an untrusted source could be vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack. The function EVP_PKEY_public_check() is not called from other OpenSSL functions however it is called from the OpenSSL pkey command line application. For that reason that application is also vulnerable if used with the '-pubin' and '-check' options on untrusted data. The OpenSSL SSL/TLS implementation is not affected by this issue. The OpenSSL 3.0 and 3.1 FIPS providers are affected by this issue.

Vulnerability Trend

Vendor Advisories

Debian Bug report logs - #1060858 openssl: CVE-2023-6237: Checking excessively long invalid RSA public keys may take a long time Package: src:openssl; Maintainer for src:openssl is Debian OpenSSL Team <pkg-openssl-devel@alioth-listsdebiannet>; Reported by: Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil@debianorg> Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2 ...
Description<!---->A flaw was found in OpenSSL When the EVP_PKEY_public_check() function is called in RSA public keys, a computation is done to confirm that the RSA modulus, n, is composite For valid RSA keys, n is a product of two or more large primes and this computation completes quickly However, if n is a large prime, this computation takes a ...

Mailing Lists

This posting is largely based on the NodeJS blog post at nodejsorg/en/blog/vulnerability/february-2024-security-releases with some edits and extras by me Please note that it still uses future tense to talk about the releases, which should actually have been made by now ====== Summary ====== The Nodejs project will release new version ...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 OpenSSL Security Advisory [15th January 2024] ============================================= Excessive time spent checking invalid RSA public keys (CVE-2023-6237) ===================================================================== Severity: Low Issue summary: Checking excessively long invalid RSA ...