
Published: 26/04/2024 Updated: 26/04/2024

Vulnerability Summary is an open source web page change detection, website watcher, restock monitor and notification service. There is a Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) in Jinja2 that allows Remote Command Execution on the server host. Attackers can run any system command without any restriction and they could use a reverse shell. The impact is critical as the attacker can completely takeover the server machine. This can be reduced if changedetection is behind a login page, but this isn't required by the application (not by default and not enforced).

Vendor Advisories

Check Point Reference: CPAI-2024-0378 Date Published: 6 Jun 2024 Severity: Critical ...


changedetection versions 04520 and below suffer from a remote code execution vulnerability ...

Github Repositories

changedetection rce though ssti

cve-2024-32651 changedetection rce though ssti