

Published: 15/12/2020 Updated: 18/12/2020
CVSS v2 Base Score: 6.4 | Impact Score: 4.9 | Exploitability Score: 10
CVSS v3 Base Score: 9.1 | Impact Score: 5.2 | Exploitability Score: 3.9
VMScore: 570
Vector: AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N

Vulnerability Summary

Icinga 2 v2.8.0 through v2.11.7 and v2.12.2 has an issue where revoked certificates due for renewal will automatically be renewed, ignoring the CRL. This issue is fixed in Icinga 2 v2.11.8 and v2.12.3.

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icinga icinga

icinga icinga 2.12.2