
Vulnerability Trend

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This is a one-time signature verification bypass. For persistent signature verification bypass, check

CVE-2022-38694 An attacker with physical access to the device can overwrite a function pointer somewhere in the BootROM data section or a return address stored on the stack and execute their own code with BootROM privileges For detailed information, read the article by NCC Group 快速指路: 工具下载:Releases 使用方法:Wiki How to unlock bootloader with CVE-2022

Keeping track of companies that "care about your data 🥺"

Keeping track of companies that "care about your data 🥺" Why? Over the past few years, a suspicious number of companies have started to "take care of your data", aka block/strictly limit your ability to unlock the bootloader on your own devices While this may not affect you directly, it sets a bad precedent You never know what will get the axe next: S


科大讯飞AI学习机破解安装第三方应用教程 本项目欢迎各位读者开issue,本项目秉承公益的原则,故禁止倒卖!被骗的欢迎开issue来提供骗子个人信息! 如果看不了图片,你可以去下载WattToolkit,里面有“Github加速”功能;或者你也可以把这个项目克隆到本地,然后下个VScode,Vscode


科大讯飞AI学习机破解安装第三方应用教程 本项目欢迎各位读者开issue,本项目秉承公益的原则,故禁止倒卖!被骗的欢迎开issue来提供骗子个人信息! 如果看不了图片,你可以去下载WattToolkit,里面有“Github加速”功能;或者你也可以把这个项目克隆到本地,然后下个VScode,Vscode


科大讯飞AI学习机破解安装第三方应用教程 本项目欢迎各位读者开issue,本项目秉承公益的原则,故禁止倒卖!被骗的欢迎开issue来提供骗子个人信息! 如果看不了图片,你可以去下载WattToolkit,里面有“Github加速”功能;或者你也可以把这个项目克隆到本地,然后下个VScode,Vscode

中兴远航30s小白向解锁BL+解锁Root流程 一周前刚从🐟上购入6+128的全新远航30s(套娃机,名字还叫vikk v16 plus),非常感谢大佬!让我立刻就能root远航30s。大佬的解锁教程位于 github链接,但我作为菜狗中间还是踩了不少坑,所以打算补充完善一下大佬的教程,以小白向的流程发布(这或许

Codename of HMD Nokia Smartphones / Tablets.

hmd-nokia-codename Codename of HMD Nokia Android Smartphones / Tablets ROW models Model FIH Codename ODM Name ODM Codename Actual Codename Security Version Bootloader Unlockable Nokia 1 FRT FIH frontier 4 Yes (MTK Generic) Nokia 1 Plus ANT FIH antman 8 Yes (MTK Generic) Nokia 13 DRX Wingtech T89572 drax 101 Yes (Generic) Nokia 14 CBL Tinno K580 cable 104 Yes (

科大讯飞AI学习机破解安装第三方应用教程 本项目欢迎各位读者开issue,本项目秉承公益的原则,故禁止倒卖!被骗的欢迎开issue来提供骗子个人信息! 如果看不了图片,你可以去下载WattToolkit,里面有“Github加速”功能;或者你也可以把这个项目克隆到本地,然后下个VScode,Vscode

Everything I figured out about messing with this device

hisense_a7cc Everything I figured out about messing with this device All the info regarding the A7CC is scattered troughout many forums and posts I want to spare you the time by writing down the infos I found to be working Caution As always: MESSING WITH YOUR PHONE CAN BREAK IT, so be careful I'm not responsible for anything :-) BACKUP WarningEntering autodload aparr