
Published: 03/05/2024 Updated: 03/05/2024

Vulnerability Summary

Foxit PDF Reader exportXFAData Exposed Dangerous Method Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote malicious users to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Foxit PDF Reader. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the exportXFAData method. The application exposes a JavaScript interface that allows writing arbitrary files. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current user. Was ZDI-CAN-19697.

Vulnerability Trend

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福昕Foxit PDF远程代码执行漏洞CVE-2023-27363分析与复现

fuxinFoxit 福昕Foxit PDF远程代码执行漏洞CVE-2023-27363分析与复现 免责声明: 本篇文章仅用于技术交流学习和研究的目的,严禁使用文章中的技术用于非法目的和破坏,否则造成一切后果与发表本文章的作者无关。 中文版本: 本免责声明旨在明确指出,本文仅为技术交流、学习和研究之用,不