
Vulnerability Summary

RouterOS versions 6.40.5 up to and including 6.44 and 6.48.1 up to and including 6.49.10 suffers from a denial of service vulnerability.

Vulnerability Trend


RouterOS versions 6405 through 644 and 6481 through 64910 suffers from a denial of service vulnerability ...

Github Repositories

This repository contains a working POC for a Denial of Service condition bug that is found on the SMB service for RouterOS devices.

CVE-2024-27686: RouterOS-SMB-DOS-POC Update As of 3/4/24 Mitre has assigned CVE-2024-27686 to this issue This repository contains a working POC for a Denial of Service bug that is found on the SMB service for RouterOS devices ranging from 6405 - 644 and 6481 - 64910 Only the x86 arch has been tested Note: This version range is likely to expand as more testing is don