
Published: 22/04/2024 Updated: 23/04/2024

Vulnerability Summary

FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol. FreeRDP based based clients using `/bpp:32` legacy `GDI` drawing path with a version of FreeRDP before 3.5.0 or 2.11.6 are vulnerable to out-of-bounds read. Versions 3.5.0 and 2.11.6 patch the issue. As a workaround, use modern drawing paths (e.g. `/rfx` or `/gfx` options). The workaround requires server side support.

Vendor Advisories

Debian Bug report logs - #1069728 freerdp2: CVE-2024-32039 CVE-2024-32040 CVE-2024-32041 CVE-2024-32458 CVE-2024-32459 CVE-2024-32460 Package: src:freerdp2; Maintainer for src:freerdp2 is Debian Remote Maintainers <debian-remote@listsdebianorg>; Reported by: Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil@debianorg> Date: Tue, 23 Apr ...
FreeRDP is a set of free and open source remote desktop protocol library and clients In affected versions an integer overflow in `freerdp_bitmap_planar_context_reset` leads to heap-buffer overflow This affects FreeRDP based clients FreeRDP based server implementations and proxy are not affected A malicious server could prepare a `RDPGFX_RESET_G ...